Parent and Carer Support for Eating Disorders

Supporting people with an eating disorder can be a full time job.  Parents and carers (partners/extended family members etc) are often given the difficult task of helping their loved one eat meals, manage distress and coordinate care.  These duties can quickly lead to carer burnout if they are not supported.  The nature of eating disorders also means carers often sacrifice their own needs to help their loved one.  
Parent and carer sessions aim to support and upskill in the following ways:
  • Provide psychoeducation on the effects of eating disorders on their loved one and on carers.  
  • Teach communication skills to help support their loved one.
  • Equip them with skills to manage distress. 
  • Provide a safe space to talk openly about the experience without blame or shame. 
  • Explore any maladative coping strategies that may be enabling or maintaining eating disorder behaviours or cognitions. 
  • Look at areas in their own self care, opportunities for connection and reflection. 
  • Help navigate the private and public health care systems. 
Parent and carer sessions care available to anyone who has a loved one with an eating disorder regardless of whether they are currently in treatment.  If your loved one is currently in treatment it is recommended you speak with their treatment team for support in the first instance.  Sessions typically last 50 minutes. The number of sessions depends on the needs of the parent or carer.  Online and outreach/ home visits.